Summer – a season full of alcohol

Every summer, 30-40,000 people in Sweden develop an alcohol dependence. Summer is generally a time of year when alcohol consumption increases and for those people who already have a vulnerability, this period can be the decisive step into an addiction.

Do you recognize yourself?

  • You think a lot and often about alcohol.
  • You drink more than you intended.
  • You are drawn to situations where you can drink alcohol.

Watch our film to learn more about what signals to watch out for when it comes to your own relationship with alcohol.


If you are worried about yourself, a colleague or employee, call us on 08-24 32 00 or email We are here for you!

/Happy summer wishes

//Your friends at Ljung&Sjöberg


Redaktör och granskare: Åsa Yacoub, Kommunikationsansvarig


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