Dare to look at the hidden problem

We see vague but disturbing signals. Could it be alcohol or drug problem? Should we act? What if we are wrong in our concerns? We wait and see. And hope… Time goes by and suddenly it is acute.

This takes place daily at most workplaces around Sweden. As an employer, you spend countless hours putting out fires and dealing with employees with addiction problems without solving the real problem. For the problem is hidden, but the signals are noticeable if we learn what they are. As a manager, your responsibility is never to make a diagnosis.

As a manager your responsibility is to act on your concerns.

Watch our film to learn what signals you should be vigilant on.


Do you feel worried about an employee or want to know more? Call our Manager support at 08-24 32 00 or email info@ljungsjoberg.se We are here for you!

Redaktör och granskare: Åsa Yacoub, Kommunikationsansvarig

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