Book an appointment with our Anonymous Employee Support
The Employee Support exists as a direct channel for you if you want to raise your concerns about yourself, a relative or a colleague, and you can do it completely anonymously together with a specialist. If you have a concern regarding a relative or colleague, you will receive support and advice on how to proceed.
– The service is anonymous and a benefit from your employer.
– If you wish, continued support can be offered and then in consultation with your employer.
– Raise your concerns about alcohol, drugs, gambling problems, stress & anxiety.
Are you an employer and want your employees to have the opportunity to receive support?
Download this information sheet that you can put up physically at your workplace to enable more people to get help.
Employee support
An anonymous service for employees when you want to clarify, voice your concerns/worries for yourself or for someone close to you, with a specialist. This is often the first step when asking for help. If the employee wants to move on to a client program, the employer is always involved – with the employee’s approval.
The main idea behind the Employee Support is to make it easy and undemanding to take a step on the way to seeking help. Via the Employee Support, employees receive advice, get to voice their concerns, and get help if needed.
Contact us and we will help you!
From our own experience, we know that addiction problems affect the individual and the workplace hard. As a manager or HR, are you worried about an employee?
Call us on 08-24 32 00 or fill in the contact form and we’ll get back to you.
We are here for you!